My Blog

International Internship Geneva, Switzerland In Progress CERN 01-02-2025 10 mins read
From Dream to Reality: My CERN Internship
Tech&Meet AI 10-12-2024 5 mins read
Tech&Meet @ Howest: AI, The reality behind the hype
Hackathon Antwerp 19-11-2024 5 mins read
Hack The Future 2024: My First Ever Hackathon
Tech&Meet Belgian Army 12-11-2024 6 mins read
Tech&Meet @ Howest: Insights into Belgian Cyber Command
International Project Dornbirn, Austria 02-09-2024 7 mins read
RUN EU SAP: Building The Global Firm Challenge
International Project St. Pölten, Austria 20-05-2024 8 mins read
Blended Intensive Project: Trends in Research and Innovation in the Context of Computer Science
International Project Katowice, Poland 24-04-2023 10 mins read
International Project: Case Studies Challenge - IP3 Project Based Learning
How I did? 04-02-2022 5 mins read
How I Built My E-Portfolio
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